วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Lego Mindstorms EV3 Coming To Schools In August by Smartkids Rangsit

Kids playing with Lego Mindstorm
Whoever does not know about Lego Mindstorms is either not from this planet or living under a rock (or both!). Mindstorms is one Lego “toy” that takes “learning while having fun” to a whole another level.
 The brain of Mindstorms is the “brick” that can be programmed to do pretty much anything you want. The various components that can be attached to the brick and the extremely simple and friendly programming software unleash the engineer/scientist/architect in you, making possibilities endless.
 If it were not that expensive, I am sure every household would have one. Those parents and educators who do not have one for their kids – fret not, because the Mindstorms is coming to your kids’ classrooms on August 1, 2013! The Lego Mindstorms EV3 platform comes with digital workbooks and curriculum (that consists of real world robotics technology for hands on activities) that can be customized by the teachers, an easy to use and intuitive software, and extensive professional development courses. The activities included in the curriculum are designed to encourage kids to learn about computer science, math, technology, engineering, and science.
 Check out this video that shows some kids (terrible actors, by the way!) playing with he Mindstorms EV3. To find out more, check the source link for the full press release.
Smartkids Rangsit

