วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Why Play & Learn With Legos by Smartkids Rangsit

Unlock your child's potential, one adventure at a time

Benefits to building with legos -

1. Enhance Eye Hand Coordination - Lego blocks require the use of eye hand coordination because the child must be able to pick up the blocks and place them in the right spot in the construction. The more the child builds with the legos the better his or her coordination is going to be.

2.Enhance Logical Thinking - When you're building with legos, you have to use a good amount of logic when making your decisions. If not, the whole structure is probably doomed. Logic is the ability to use reason to make decisions. For example, when you decide on a route to work you are using logic to decide which one will be the best. Although you can do this quickly now, that wouldn't be possible if you hadn't developed logic skills at an early age.

As kids are building they are also getting trial and error practice. If the building falls down after a bad decision, the child can try again and take a different approach. That's an important part of logic.

3.Enhance Capability In Spatial Awareness - Basically, spatial awareness describes the ability to understand dimensions and shapes and how these all work together. For example, spatial awareness is what allows us to park a car, walk through a doorway, and play sports. Without this ability, most of us would have difficult doing more than learning geometry.

Although some people are naturally better at spatial awareness than others, playing with legos give children a great way to practice and to strengthen the part of the brain responsible for this skill.

4.Improve Social Capability - by building 'something' with friends and siblings - While it may seem odd that working with legos could also be beneficial for social development, it's true. That's because children looooooooooooooove to talk about their lego creation. They will talk to adults, other children, even family pets or other toys if no one else is around.

5.Enhance Language Skills - Lego building gives children a great opportunity to present their creation while practicing language skills, speech skills and presentation skills which is really 

